Surrogate Button Quail Research Project
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Joining the Surrogate Project

Everything you need to know if you want to Join

If you have read the guidelines and requirements, and you have everything you need, welcome! A link to the forms can be found on the first page. I need the breeder form ASAP
Regarding Eggs - If you need eggs, please e-mail me ASAP so i can start collecting. I will need a check or money order sent to me to cover shipping. Shipping within the continental US is $6, contact me for other shipping quotes. If you have your own eggs, either already in the incubator or about to be, e-mail me before they hatch so I can get you the forms.
Regarding Chicks - If you have chicks UNDER 1 weeks old, inubator hatched, e-mail me. You can enter them in the program. The chicks MUST have been hatched BY YOU, and can not have been bought as chicks.
Regarding Hens - For the use of your own hens, make sure that they are NOT overly aggressive, are over 6 weeks old, if they lay eggs they are prefered. The hen can be either bred and raised by you, or bought, but make sure that the hen is NOT stressed from travel or shipping when you introduce her to the chicks. Inorder to not overwhelm the hen, please limit 5-6 chicks per hen MAXIMUM if she had never had a clutch before. Limit 10 if she has.

If you have everything you need, please e-mail me at . Include your a) location b) experience c) current ammount of buttons and d) if you need eggs or not

If you would like to become a part of this project, please e-mail me at